
Techcyte SureView™
Cervical Cytology System

An AI-assisted screening tool that enables cytotechnologists and pathologists to efficiently identify precancerous lesions and cancer cells in women.


Techcyte SureView™ is an AI-assisted screening tool designed to enable cytotechs and pathologists to analyze diagnostically important cells and organisms in pap smears. It helps medical technologists read SurePath™ or ThinPrep© slides using an AI-based algorithm, workflow, and LIS integration.

Our automated cervical cancer screening solution classifies and counts the following objects (for a full list see below):

Decoration Icon check Pre-Cancerous lesions
Decoration Icon check Cervical Cancer cells
Decoration Icon check Organisms
SureView copy

Challenges & Solutions

Using current methods, cytotechnologists are expected to review, on average, 40,000 – 50,000 cells per slide.

Battling eye strain, fatigue, distractions, intense workloads and operator biases, their efforts are more prone to human error. AI however doesn’t get overworked or tired and delivers consistent results. Our software presents the most diagnostically relevant images to the cytotechnologist for efficient review.

Techcyte SureView™ aims to help laboratories perform cervical cytology tests with increased consistency, in better working conditions.

How it works

4-step process:

Create slides

Technologists prepare slides using the BD SurePath™ or Hologic ThinPrep® systems.

Scan slides

Technologists load slides into the chosen scanner. Slides are then scanned and the resulting images are automatically uploaded to the Techcyte platform for AI analysis. We accept any good-quality 40x image from a compatible scanner (for a list of compatible scanners, see below). Scanning takes around 3 minutes*.

* Scan times will vary by scanner and settings used.

Process images

Our AI algorithm uses a convolutional neural network to identify differentiating features and determine which combinations indicate diagnostically significant objects. It then places them into the most likely classification and displays them in order of atypia for review. This algorithm is deterministic, making the same classification every time it is shown the same image. The whole process takes just minutes.

Review results

A cytotechnologist or pathologist logs into Techcyte on any web-enabled device* and reviews available scans, determining specimen adequacy and evaluating the results for diagnostic relevancy. They can also add notes and request a secondary consult. 

*We recommend a 27” 99% RGB monitor for scan viewing

Cells & Organisms Identified

*These claims have not been examined by the FDA.

  • Atypical Squamous Cells of Undetermined Significance (ASCUS)
  • Low-Grade Intraepithelial Lesion (LSIL)
  • Atypical Squamous Cells Cannot Exclude a High-Grade Lesion (ASC-H)
  • High-Grade Intraepithelial Lesion (HSIL)
  • Carcinoma

  • Trichomonas Vaginalis
  • Clue Cells
  • Actinomyces Spp.
  • Herpes Simplex
  • Neutrophils

  • Atrophy
  • Reactive
  • Radiation
  • Endometrial

  • Atypical Glandular – NOS
  • Typical Endocervical Cell
  • Atypical Glandular – Favor Neoplastic
  • Endocervical Adenocarcinoma In Situ
  • Adenocarcinoma (endocervical, endometrial, extrauterine, NOS)

Supported Scanners

Supported Today

Hamamatsu S360

Hamamatsu S360

40x scanning, 20x 0.75 NA objective
3DHistech P250

3DHistech P250, P1000

40x scanning, 20x 0.75 NA objective
Motic EasyScan Infinity

Motic EasyScan ∞

40x scanning, 20x 0.75 NA objective
Motic EasyScan Pro

Motic EasyScan Pro

40x scanning, 20x 0.75 NA objective
Motic EasyScan One

Motic One

80x scanning, 40x 0.75 NA objective

Ask Us About

Grundium Ocus 40

Grundium Ocus 40

40x scanning, 20x 0.75 NA objective
MetaSystems Metafer5

MetaSystems Metafer5

40x scanning, 20x 0.80 NA objective
Pramana Spectral M Digital Slide Scanner

Pramana M Pro, HT2, HT4

40x scanning, 20x 0.80 NA objective
PAP desktop


  • State-of-the-art platform
  • Web-based digital workflow and AI platform for cervical cytology
  • Digital slide and image viewer
  • AI-proposed images of potential atypical cells and organisms
  • Bethesda-compliant sample adequacy reporting
  • Supports multiple 40x whole slide scanners


Decoration Icon check Enables a digital workflow that is intended to improve efficiency and accuracy
Decoration Icon check Aims to address the shortage of cytotechs
Decoration Icon check Can improve lab morale and workplace safety
Decoration Icon check Connects with LIS reporting systems
For investigational use only and not for diagnostic use in the US.
For research use only and not for diagnostic use in the US.