Our platform

The Techcyte clinical pathology AI platform

Built from the ground up using state-of-the-art AI, seamless user experience, custom workflows, security, and scalability.

Platform overview

A comprehensive platform with a fully integrated experience


Browser-based, securely accessible from anywhere, anytime using the Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge internet browser.

Cutting edge

Built using cutting-edge deep machine learning, using microservices architecture, RESTless APIs, and deployed on AWS for global security and scalability.

Patented IP

Backed by multiple patents and proprietary intellectual property.


Company level settings for a tailored implementation of workflows based on your lab’s preferences.

What to expect from the Techcyte platform

Comprehensive image management system

Customizable image management for optimal image storage, retrieval, search and viewing, meeting the needs of your teams.

The Techcyte platform includes storage, retrieval and accessibility, collaboration tools, annotation, data security and compliance, scalability and performance.

Comprehensive image management system

Customizable image management for optimal image storage, retrieval, search and viewing, meeting the needs of your teams.

The Techcyte platform includes storage, retrieval and accessibility, collaboration tools, annotation, data security and compliance, scalability and performance.

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Custom integrated workflows

The Techcyte platform integrates with your lab’s current Laboratory Information System, including task management, filtering, case assignment, to streamlined web services.

Our Open API is designed to be easy to use and integrate with. It adheres to the OAS specification, and includes comprehensive documentation that details how to use the API, including endpoints, request/response formats, authentication methods, and examples.

Custom integrated workflows

The Techcyte platform integrates with each lab’s current systems, from task management, filtering, case assignment, to streamlined web services API integration.

The Techcyte platform integrates with each lab’s current systems, from task.

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Data curation tools & AI algorithms

Extensive data curation and algorithm creation tools, including proprietary 3D Cluster View, comparison view, configuration view, scene augmentation, confusion matrices, PR curves, …

Data curation tools & AI algorithms

Extensive data curation and streamlined reporting tools, including proprietary 3D Cluster View, enable rapid algorithm creation and visualization.

The Techcyte platform integrates with each lab’s current systems, from task.

Data curation tools & AI algorithms

Extensive data curation and streamlined reporting tools, including proprietary 3D Cluster View, enable rapid algorithm creation and visualization.

The Techcyte platform integrates with each lab’s current systems, from task.

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Security & scalability

Uses the OAuth framework, offers role-based security, built on the AWS platform. SOC2 compliant, ISO 13485 certified, HIPAA/GDPR compliant.

Image acquisition

We work with several world-class scanner manufacturers to provide for high-quality scanning of clinical pathology samples from small to large labs.

Reporting & LIS integration

Our complete, documented API enables easy integration with laboratory information systems.

Regulation & compliance

Techcyte’s secure platform meets rigorous regulatory requirements* to help ensure that labs remain compliant and keeping data safe.


*FDA submission in process