
Clinical Pathology

Our Clinical Pathology solutions are transforming the diagnostic landscape with advanced artificial intelligence (AI) workflows and tools.

Challenge & Solution
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Challenges & Solution

Throughout the world, medical technologists are in short supply. Their jobs require significant training, are physically demanding and are consistently asked to do more with less.

Techcyte helps to resolve these challenges by presenting key cells and organisms, to quickly identify positives and spend significantly less time on the negatives. Going digital enables remote collaboration, facilitates integration with LIS reporting and reduces repetitive stress injuries caused by the microscope.

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ARUP Laboratories 

As one of our earliest collaborators and customers, we developed AI-based solutions for the following Parasitology tests: Trichrome, Modified Acid Fast, and Wet Mount Iodine.

Mayo Clinic

Through our strategic collaboration, we are transforming the practice of pathology with new AI algorithms and workflows, like our most recent test, Bacteriology Gram Stain Solution.

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